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  • Cryoablation

    Treatment by freezing the tumor cells.

  • Ultrasonografiler

    Tüm vucut ultrasonografi doppler ultrasonografi Tiroid ,Meme, üst batın, alt batın, karaciğer, Safra kesesi, pankreas, böbrek, atardamar toplardamar mesane prostat rahim yumurtalık testis ultrasonografi leri

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Blog Posts (130)

  • varicocele

    Varicocele is a urological health problem that means the expansion of blood vessels (veins) that provide venous deposition of the testicles. It can be detected in approximately 15% of the general male population. The internal structure and valves of the veins that develop varicocele deteriorate over time, and the dirty blood cannot be drawn back enough. Therefore, the testis is under the long-term effect of both toxic substances in the dirty blood and increased temperature. This may cause deterioration in the internal structure of the testis and sperm production. Varicocele is one of the most common causes of male infertility. The presence of varicocele is reported in one third of men who cannot have children and whose spouses have not been found to have a medical problem. Varicocele is much more common on the left because the spermatic vein (vein of the testis) is poured out, but the vein is different. The presence of right varicocele alone is a much rarer medical condition. If a man has a varicocele and the more severe this varicocele is, the more likely it is that the sperm production system, which we call spermatogenesis, will be negatively affected. The increased heat in the testis and the pooling of toxic substances in the testis cause oxidative stress on the cells, which causes them to degrade the sperm DNA. Over time, the number of sperm in the semen decreases, its mobility decreases and its quality deteriorates. This process can result in infertility in men, which we call infertility. However, the following issue is particularly important; The presence of varicocele does not necessarily mean that it is a condition that needs to be treated. If varicocele has disrupted sperm parameters and is a cause of infertility, then treatment is of course necessary. But if it does not cause a problem in the person, follow-up without treatment will be a much more accurate approach. Varicocele can cause decreased testicular volume and impaired testosterone production. Undoubtedly, this situation may have negative reflections on sexual functions. Manual examination alone is often sufficient for the diagnosis of varicocele. In this way, both the presence and degree of varicocele can be detected easily. However, we frequently use the radiological examination, which we call scrotal Doppler ultrasonography, in our medical practice in order to confirm the diagnosis, document it and follow the treatment process. Here, the diameter of the spermatic vein, that is, the vein, and whether there is a reverse flow can be easily detected. However, it is not an absolute requirement for diagnosis. We urologists classify varicocele in 3 degrees according to the findings of the examination. 1st Degree Varicocele; On examination, the vascular structures are normal, but it is felt to be fuller with straining. 2nd Degree Varicocele; Swollen veins are palpable without straining, and they become more obvious when straining. 3rd Degree Varicocele; Even without examination, clearly swollen and convoluted veins are observed with the naked eye. If varicocele is detected, at least 2 sperm tests should be performed and it should be checked whether spermatogenesis is affected or not. Because the result of the sperm analysis is the most important issue in deciding the treatment. After that, a decision is made with the patient, taking into account the person's marital status, whether they have children, the health status of their spouse in terms of pregnancy, and their future child plans. It is necessary to know that the longer the process until the treatment and the more severe the varicocele, the more the damage will be. In this case, it would of course be more logical to perform the treatment at the most appropriate time without neglecting it too much. If there are the following condition or conditions, varicocele must be treated absolutely. 1- If sperm values are impaired 2- If the testicular volume has decreased by more than 10% 3- Even if sperm parameters are normal, if sperm DNA damage has developed Apart from this, severe varicocele may be cosmetically disturbing to the person. Or, in the slightest activity, varicocele can also manifest itself in the form of testicular, groin and inner leg pain. Pain is an important complaint that disrupts the comfort of life in some men. In these cases, varicocele treatment may be required. TREATMENT OF VARICOCELE: The treatment of varicocele is only surgical, that is, surgical methods. In other words, varicocele is not a problem that can be treated with drugs. These surgeries can be performed in roughly 4 different ways. 1- Open conventional classical method; It is a type of surgery performed with a low-level incision in the groin area and with the naked eye (or loop glasses). The spermatic veins are ligated individually in this way. 2- Laparoscopic method; It is the method of connecting the spermatic veins from the inside and at a high level with the help of a camera that is placed inside the abdomen. 3- Microsurgery microscopic method; It is a very popular treatment method in recent years. As in the classical method, a small incision is made in the inguinal region and the spermatic cord is suspended. Afterwards, with the help of an advanced surgical microscope, the veins are examined one by one.


    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most important sexual dysfunction in men. By definition, erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain the rigidity of the penis that does not allow to initiate or continue sexual intercourse (coitus). It can occur in men of all ages, regardless of young, middle age or advanced age. Although it is basically caused by some psychogenic or organic problems, the truth is this: In every erection problem, a more or less psychogenic factor is either at the core of the event or is added to the event later on. Therefore, the role of psychogenic factors in the rooting of the erection problem is quite large. The problem of erection is of course not a vital health problem. However, it is a very important issue that disrupts psychosocial life, couple relationships and therefore quality of life. Studies show that half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 have erectile dysfunction. It is also reported that about 10% of the same age group has severe erection problems. With age, especially after the age of 60, the frequency and severity of erection problems increase significantly. In scientific studies conducted in our country, it has been determined that one out of every 3 men in the 40 to 70 age group has moderate to severe erection problems. The first issue addressed in men with erectile dysfunction is undoubtedly whether the problem is of organic or psychogenic origin. Organic problem means that the disease is caused by a physical (vascular or nervous) disease. Generally, organic causes are considered more prominent in men over 40 years of age with ED complaints. Psychogenic erection problem (PsED) is the name given to erectile dysfunction that is not due to a physical disease, but only to psychological distress and lack of skill. An important part of erectile dysfunction, which usually occurs at young ages, is due to the psychogenic background. We generally think that the core problem may be psychogenic under the age of 40 and organic after the age of 40. However, the opposite cases are not rare and should always be kept in mind. Although there is an organic cause at the core of the problem, the psychological factors added to it (disappointment, hopelessness, hurting the sense of masculinity, etc.) cause the event to grow like a snowball. It should not be forgotten that it is a small stone particle that starts an avalanche, but it is the snowdrifts that create the real destruction.

  • Masses in His Liver were Destroyed by Interventional Radiology Method!

    Masses in His Liver Destroyed by Interventional Method A swelling occurred in the chest area of ​​6-and-a-half-year-old Seher Erkentoka, who lives in Isparta, 3 months ago. In the examinations, it was determined that there were 3 different masses in a large part of his liver. The masses, the largest of which was 15 cm, had to be removed as soon as possible. For the procedure that could not be performed in Isparta, the family requested that Assoc. Dr. He applied to R. Aykut Aktaş. Seher Erkentoka, who got rid of the masses with the interventional procedure performed while preserving the liver, regained her health and her schoolmates. THE SWING IN THE CHEST WAS THE HIGHLIGHT OF LIVER MASSES There was a swelling in the middle of Seher Erkentoka's chest area for 3 months and it started to grow gradually. Although it was said that he did not have any disease in the examinations, he suddenly started to have a high fever problem. However, the cause of the fire was never found. Later, when they applied for the opinion of a pediatric surgeon, it was understood that the swelling in the chest area was caused by a mass formed in the liver. It was said that his liver could be preserved if he was treated with the interventional method, and the family was referred to Aykut Aktaş. OPEN SURGERY WOULD LOSE MUCH OF HIS LIVER It was determined that İlktoka had 3 canine cysts, the largest of which was 15 cm, covering 70 percent of his liver. These; When it passed to humans in the intestinal tract of dogs, it was in a structure that grew continuously by settling in the liver and had a very high risk of explosion after exceeding 10 cm. If open surgery had been performed, more than half of the liver would have to be removed. In addition, since the cysts were formed by microscopic parasites, there was a risk of recurrence in the future in case of any drip on the internal organs during the surgery. HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BROKEN TO THE CHEST The 6 and a half-year-old patient Lidertoka knew that he had a disease because he was under the control of the doctor, but he could not fully understand what it was. He continued his school life by saying "I have cysts, I am fighting germs". However, he could not play games like his peers. Because there should not have been any blow to the swelling in his chest. Despite all these negativities and the warnings of her family, Seher did not give up her love of reading. WE PROTECTED OUR PATIENT'S LIVER Emphasizing that the cysts were very large when the patient reached him, Assoc. Dr. R. Aykut Aktaş said, “If our patient had received a sudden blow to his abdomen before treatment, the cysts would have exploded, resulting in death. As soon as we arrived, we made the diagnosis and treatment with the interventional method. Under the guidance of ultrasound and angiography, we injected a liquid that penetrates the cyst with a needle and kills these parasites inside. Again, we took these parasites out with the needle. Then, by placing a catheter, we also destroyed the membrane where the parasites settled and removed them from the body. We inserted 3 separate catheters in our patient in the same session. We performed the procedure, which took about 1 and a half hours, with sedation. In the second month control, we saw that almost all of the parasites disappeared and the cysts disappeared. By protecting our patient's liver, we did not prevent his healthy growth.” “My Daughter DID NOT HEAT AND DOESN'T HAVE A SIGN OF A CUT ON HIS BELLY” Father Lidertoka expressed his sadness when he learned about the masses in his daughters with the following sentences: “When we heard about the mass, the first thing that came to our mind was cancer. I cannot describe the shock I felt. My child is so young, it was scary to even think about the possibility of cancer, but hearing that he had a mass was devastating. We came to Antalya from Isparta and talked to my teacher. We learned that the masses do not carry cancer risk and we were very relieved. I never thought that my daughter could be saved with such a treatment option. During the procedure, it did not hurt and there was no incision mark on her abdomen. Most importantly, his liver was healthy and protected.”

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